A commons-based map of economic realms
These diagrams present economic dynamics in a concentric
circles model which frames human economics as functioning within
- and dependent on - the larger economies of nature - what might
be called the natural and spiritual commons. It also presents a
layer of human commons within which the community economics of gifting
and sharing take place. It suggests that exchange - which currently
dominates our conceptions of economics - is properly conceived of
as only one smaller part of a much bigger economic picture, and
that the monetized economy is even smaller than that. It further
proposes that purely speculative economic activities that have no
direct relationship to actual productive activity - abstract investments
and trades that currently make up the majority of financial transactions
globally - should be minimized or eliminated, or at least strictly
managed where they colonize or harm the more productive sectors
of the economy.
"The commons" is a sufficiently new concept as to warrant
explanation here. The commons is a generic term embracing all that
we hold and use in common. It is most readily understood as our shared
lands, spaces, atmosphere, natural resources, natural systems and
the "eco-system services" that those natural systems perform
(like purifying our air and water). But it also includes our genetic
heritage; our cultures, languages and institutions; our economics
and politics; our sidewalks, streets, utilities, internet, and other
infrastructure; our accumulated and co-created knowledge; and the
human and social resources of our communities and relationships. Many
people also believe that we share a common spiritual reality and heritage.
In short, whatever we all have access to - or should have access to
- is our commons. The economic view of "the commons" has
been developing rapidly in the last few decades as we acknowledge
how thoroughly we depend on the larger social, cultural, and natural
bounty that surrounds and precedes us -- and thus how we need to treasure,
preserve, and support the commons as fundamental to our existence.

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