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Civic Leadership Initiative Y2K Forum for Youth


The Civic Leadership Initiative is hosting a meeting on Wednesday, April 21st from 8:30 - noon at the Office of Personnel Management to address outreach to youth and college students. We will be meeting in the Pendleton Room on the fifth floor at OPM, located at 1900 E Street in DC. Please confirm your participation and identify others who will attend by email to me by Monday, April 19th.

Explore how we can engage youth and young adults in learning about the Y2K challenges we face and becoming part of the solution. Develop awareness of each others Y2K awareness-building and service learning initiatives and catalyze collaborative action with other key organizations, such as Generations United.

It is very important that youth-serving organizations become involved in this cross fertilization effort as soon as possible. To ensure a common frame of reference, I encourage everyone to read: Year 2000: Social Chaos or Social Transformation?

Girl Scouts: Be Prepared for Y2K:

Y2K for Kids sites:

Y2K Youth Action Network Homepage:

Jon Waterman has volunteered to facilitate this meeting and we would like your feedback on the agenda asap. AGENDA 8:30-9:00 Gathering 9:00-10:00 Introductions, Goals and Information Sharing 10:00-11:00 Hands-on Exercise (Ambassadors for Building Community) 11:00-12:00 Priorities and Next steps We have allocated time to consider how to adapt the Ambassadors for Education workshops and gameboard to become an Ambassadors for Building Community program that the Sierra Club, Habitat for Humanity, and other community service organizations can use to build understanding of the issues and stimulate volunteerism. We welcome the expertise of the National Association of Partners in Education in using that successful model. In addition, we are delighted that the Points of Light Foundation will be taking an active role in working on Y2k and has an excellent program for mobilizing volunteers through its All State Disaster Project.